Course Staff
- Lecturer: Woohyeok Choi
- Office: #407, College of Engineering #6
- Mail:
Time & Location
- 1 Div.: Mon./Thu. 09:00 - 10:15, #609, College of Engineering #6
- 2 Div.: Mon./Thu. 10:30 - 11:45, #609, College of Engineering #6
Office Hours
- Tue. 13:00 - 15:00
- [Ro23] Yvonne Rogers. 2023. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, 6th Ed., Willey
- None
Grading Policy
Design Project (66%)
- DP #0 - Team Formation and Contract Writing (0%)
- DP #1 - Need Finding (9%)
- DP #2 - Ideation (9%)
- DP #3 - Paper Prototyping (9%)
- DP #4 - Digital Prototyping (9%)
- DP #5 - Heuristic Evaluation (9%)
- DP #6 - Final Presentation (19 + 2%)
- Extra credit: Early-Bird benefit (2%)
In-class Activity (24%)
- In-class Activity #1 - Need Finding (4%)
- In-class Activity #2 - Learnability (4%)
- In-class Activity #3 - Ideation (4%)
- In-class Activity #4 - Paper Prototyping (4%)
- In-class Activity #5 - Digital Prototyping (4%)
- In-class Activity #6 - Heuristic Evaluation (4%)
Attendance (10%)
- 1% of credit is deducted for each absence
- 3-Lateness = 1-Absence
- 11-Absence = F grade
Team Member Evaluation
- Two times; your final score will be modified by this evaluation.
Week 01
March 06: Course Overview
- Lecture
- (Announce) Design Project #0 - Team Formation
- Due: Mar. 17
- Requirements: 4-5 students per team
March 10: Interaction Design
Week 02
March 13: Need Finding (Lecture)
- Lecture
- (Announce) Design Project #1 - Need Finding
- Due: March 26
March 17: Need Finding (In-Class Activity)
- In-Class Activity #1
- Need finding from user reviews (35m)
- Need finding from user interviews (25m)
Week 03
March 20: Learnability (Lecture)
March 24: Learnability (In-Class Activity)
- In-Class Activity #2
- Learnability problems in kiosk (30m)
- Learnability problems in smart home appliances (30m)
Week 04
March 27: Design Project #1 - Need Finding
- Presentation
- (Announce) Design Project #2 - Ideation
- Due: April 09
March 31: Ideation (Lecture)
Week 05
April 03: Ideation (In-Class Activity)
- In-Class Activity #3
- Storyboarding (20m)
- POV + HMW Exercise (30m)
April 07: More Learnability (Lecture)
Week 06
April 10: Design Project #2 - Ideation
- Presentation
- (Announce) Design Project #3 - Paper Prototyping
- Due: April 27
April 14: Paper Prototyping (Lecture)
Week 07
April 17: Paper Prototyping (In-Class Activity)
- In-Class Activity #4
- Paper-prototyping a room reservation system (40m)
- Testing the paper prototype (20m)
April 21: Efficiency
Week 08
April 24: Focus on Design Project #3!
- No Class
April 28: Design Project #3 - Paper Prototyping
- Presentation
- (Announce) Design Project #4 - Digital Prototyping
- Due: May 14
Week 09
May 01: Digital Prototyping & User-Centered Design (Lecture)
May 05: Children's Day
- No class
Week 10
May 08: Digital Prototyping (In-Class Activity)
- In-Class Activity #5
- Digital-Prototyping a room reservation service (40m)
May 12: Aesthetics (Lecture)
Week 11
May 15: Design Project #4 - Digital Prototyping
- Presentation
- (Announce) Design Project #5 - Heuristic Evaluation
- Due: May 21
May 19: Safety and Error (Lecture)
Week 12
May 22: Heuristic Evaluation (Lecture & In-Class Activity)
- Lecture
- In-Class Activity #6
- Heuristic evaluation of a room reservation service (40m)
May 26: Design Project #5 - Heuristic Evaluation (via In-Class Activity)
Week 13
May 29: User Testing (Lecture)
- Lecture
- (Announce) Design Project #6 - Final Presentation
- Due: June 11 & June 15
June 02: Accessibility
Week 14
June 05: HCI and AI
June 09: Focus on the Final Presentation!
- No class