Course Staff
- Lecturer: Woohyeok Choi
- Office: #407, College of Engineering #6
- Mail:
Time & Location
- Tue./Wed. 09:00 - 10:45, #608, College of Engineering #6
Office Hours
- Tue. 13:00 - 15:00
- Primary
- [Ge23] Aurélien Géron. 2023. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras & TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems, 3rd Ed. O`Reilly
- Secondary
- [Oh21] 오일석. 2021. 기계 학습. 한빛 아카데미
- [Ow22] Louis Owen. 2022. Hyperparameter Tuning with Python: Boost your machine learning model’s performance via hyperparameter tuning. Packt.
- [Br20] Jason Brownlee. 2020. Data Preparation for Machine Learning, 1.1 Ed. Machine Learning Mastery
- [Br21] Jason Brownlee. 2021. Imbalanced Classification with Python, 1.3 Ed. Machine Learning Mastery
- [Mo24] Christoph Molnar. 2024. Interpretable Machine Learning
- [Ma23] Serg Masis. Interpretable Machine Learning with Python. 2023
- (Mandatory) Python Programming, Data Analysis Programming
- All materials were prepared assuming students were proficient in Python programming and familiar with Numpy and Pandas.
Grading Policy
Data Collection (10%)
- Collect sensor data for human activity recognition
Individual ML Competitions via Kaggle (80%)
- Round 0 - Being Familiar with Kaggle (5%)
- Round 1 - TBD (9%)
- Round 2 - TBD (0%)
- Round 3 - TBD (9%)
- Special Round - TBD (15%)
- Round 4 - TBD (9%)
- Round 5 - TBD (9%)
- Final Round - Human Activity Recognition (15%)
Attendance (10%)
- 1% of credit is deducted for each absence
- 3-Lateness = 1-Absence
- 11-Absence = F grade
Week 01
March 04: Overview & Logistics
March 05: Machine Learning Landscape
- Lecture
- Reference
- [Ge23] Chap. 1
- [Oh21] Chap. 1
Week 02
March 11: Machine Learning Pipeline
- Lecture
- Reference
- [Ge23] Chap. 2
- D. Sculley et al. 2015. Hidden technical debt in Machine learning systems. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 2 (NIPS'15).
- Soowon Kang et al. 2023. K-EmoPhone: A Mobile and Wearable Dataset with In-Situ Emotion, Stress, and Attention Labels. Sci Data 10, 351 (2023).
March 12: End-to-End Practice for Machine Learning Pipeline
- Lab
- Reference
- [Ge23] Chap. 3
- (Announce) Individual ML Competition Round 0: End-to-End Practice
- Due: Mar. 18
Week 03
March 18: Linear Model
- Lecture
- Lab
- Reference
- [Ge23] Chap. 4
- [Oh21] Chap. 2
- (Announce) Individual ML Competition Round 1: TBD
- Due: Mar. 31
March 19: Support Vector Machine
Week 04
March 25: Performance Measures
March 26: Cross-Validation
Week 05
April 01: Decision Tree
- Lecture
- Lab
- Reference
- [Ge23] Chap. 6
- (Announce) Individual ML Competition Round 2: TBD
- Due: Apr. 14
April 02: Ensemble Learning Basics & Random Forest
Week 06
April 08: Gradient Boosting
April 09: Outlier Detection & Feature Extraction
- Lecture
- Lab
- Reference
- Andreas Bulling et al. 2014. A tutorial on human activity recognition using body-worn inertial sensors. ACM Comput. Surv. 46, 3, Article 33.
- Soujanya Poria et al. 2017. A review of affective computing: From unimodal analysis to multimodal fusion. Information Fusion, 37, 98–125.
Week 07
April 15: Feature Selection
- Lecture
- Lab
- Reference
- [Br20] Chap. 4
- (Announce) Individual ML Competition Special Round: TBD
- Due: Apr. 28
April 16: Dimensionality Reduction
Week 08
April 22: Balancing Label Distribution
April 23: Focus on the Individual Assigment!
- No Class
Week 09
April 29: Hyper-parameter Tuning #1
- Lecture
- Lab
- Reference
- [Ow22] Chap. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
- Tong Yu and Hong Zhu. 2000. Hyper-Parameter Optimization: A Review of Algorithms and Applications
- (Announce) Individual ML Competition Round 3: TBD
- Due: May. 12
- (Announce) Team Assignment #1: TBD
- Due: May. 12
April 30: Hyper-parameter Tuning #2
- Lecture
- Lab
- Reference
- [Ow22] Chap. 5, 6, 9, 10
- Tong Yu and Hong Zhu. 2000. Hyper-Parameter Optimization: A Review of Algorithms and Applications
Week 10
May 06: Substitution Holiday for Children's Day
- No Class
May 07: Clustering
Week 11
May 13: Artificial Neural Network
- Lecture
- Lab
- References
- [Ge23] Chap. 10
- [Oh21] Chap. 3
- (Announce) Individual ML Competition Round 4: TBD
- Due: May. 26
May 14: Deep Neural Network
Week 12
May 20: Convolution Neural Network
May 21: Recurrent Neural Network
Week 13
May 27: Autoencoder
- Lecture
- Lab
- References
- [Ge23] Chap. 17
- (Announce) Individual ML Competition Round 5: TBD
- Due: June. 02
May 28: Generative Models
Week 14
June 03: Attention and Transformer
- Lecture
- Lab
- References
- Ashish Vaswani et al. 2017. Attention is all you need. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
- (Announce) Individual ML Competition Final Round: Human Activity Recognition
- Due: June 16
June 04: Interpretability
Week 15
June 10: Reinforcement Learning
June 11: Focus on the Team Assigment!
- No Class